Monday, February 15, 2010

Looking at Degrassi

Degrassi Juniour High and The Next Generation are both similar in content. They both deal with issues of identity and the challenges of growing up that viewers of the same age can relate to, thus addressing real life dilemmas. Also, the actors and actresses used are around the same age as the characters they are playing, which is important because then viewers who watch can relate more than if they characters are played by actors who are older. Young teens watching could then think that they need to look and act more mature or grown up, thus contributing to identity problems. On another note, DNG, deals with issues that typically come with age-sex, pregnancy, drug abuse etc., things that teens usually encounter in high school more so than in junior high.
The fact the DJH was publically funded with an underlying education mandate while DNG was on a private network could influence the content. DJH could contain content that the public (ie parents, teachers) wanted to educate the young audience about in order to help them growing up, to let them know they are not alone. They may have wanted to address real life issues for the purpose of educating teens through a medium that could successfully reach and influence them. It could also help shape identity because teens watching relate themselves to the characters and any similar problems they have. Since its publically funded, the content is more likely to contain what the people want the audience to see, and with an underlying education mandate its going to be content that does just that-educate. Thus, issues like family problems and self image would more likely be present in the show.
In the opening episode of DNG season 1, the characters are much younger looking. They don’t wear makeup and dress more like kids-basically they look more innocent. The issues being addressed are similar, for instance that of relationships and dating. In the opening episode of DNG episode 9, the characters look a little more older even though they are playing the same age as those that were in season 1. This is significant because it could influence the way teens watching view themselves and how they shape their identity based upon what they see. Also, the first season included problems that the adult characters were having as well as the young ones. The ninth season, at least in this episode, doesn’t and instead focuses on the issues of the teens. This is significant because viewers are more likely teens, so they want to see what they can relate to. They don’t necessarily relate to issues that adults may have as age plays a huge role in the problems that arise.

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